Friday, 18 September, 2020
Virtual conference with live streaming

The healthcare secor is a frequent cybersecurity target, exposing millions of people dependent on medical support and life-critical services. 

The session on Cybersecurity: A Priority for Healthcare Delivery at this year's CONNECT Autumn School on Digital Health looks at key challenges facing the sector while proposing innovative approaches to mitigate the risks. 

The session running on 28.09.2020 from 14:00-16:00 and available on live streaming brings insights from Director H (Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, DG CONNECT), the European Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), the PANACEA Coordinator (Gemelli University Hospital) and the National Cybersecurity Centre in Portugal. 

  • EU Perspectives on Cybersecurity in eHealth, Jakub Boratynski, Acting Director of Directorate CONNECT H, Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity and Head of Unit 'Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy' within the European Commission. 
  • EU Cyber Crisis Cooperation - The COVID-19 Experience, Demosthenes Ikonomou, Head of Operational Security, ENISA.
  • PANACEA Project: A people-centric cybersecurity toolkit for hospitals in "peace" and COVID times, Sabina Magalini, Senior Surgeon of the Emergency and Trauma Surgery Unit at the Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Gemelli IRCCS (FPG).
  • Facilitating the implementation of the NIS Directive in the Health Sector, Vasco Vaz, Policy Officer and Project Manager at the National Cybersecurity Centre.

For more information about the session, click here.

For more information about the CONNECT University Autumn School on Digital Health, click here

All the sessions will be live-streamed and the recordings of the events available on the CONNECT University video space